HK HT HG Holden Nationals
South Australia 2025
24th - 27th October
2025 HKTG Nationals - South Australia
The very first HK HT HG Holden Nationals was held right here in Adelaide, in 2018.
Since then, the Nationals have been held in Qld, NSW and Vic, with entrants from all over
Australia and returning to Adelaide in October next year.
The Nationals will consist of several events held over 4 days
Friday 24th – “Meet n Greet” where entrants park their cars on the grass, collect their
goodie bags, entrant shirts, entrant gifts and windscreen stickers. This will be followed by a “City Cruise”
Saturday 25th– “Shown n Shine” entrants get to show off their cars on the grounds of the
National Motor Museum at Birdwood. On site Food
Trucks and live entertainment, plus something for the kids.
Sunday 26th - “Driving Event” This is the event all the entrants look forward too. A
chance to get their car on the track for some unforgettable action. This will be followed by
a “Presentation Event” where everyone gets to relax and view the winners of the trophy
categories. This is a great time for sponsorship promotion with overhead screens
displaying the winners and sponsors alike.
Monday 27th - “Another Driving Event and Farewell” one more chance for everyone to
catch up in a non-competitive social gathering. Local entrants get the chance to say
goodbye to the interstate visitors before making their return journey home.